Brannen Cairn - A chicken farmer of dubious talent who recently moved to Hunt's Hollow.

Garin Dunford - A youth growing up on a local farm.

Nyssa Dunford - Garin's mother.

Lenora Dunford - Garin's sister.

Honry Dunford - Garin's oldest brother.

Naten Dunford - Garin's second oldest brother.

Corbun Dunford - Garin's third oldest brother.

Helan - Garin's aunt.

Badan - A local tanner.

Beca - A local midwife.

Gwyn - A midwife in training.

"Crazy" Ean - A local man with a reputation for eccentricity and a thirst for whiskey.


Tal Harrenfel - A recent folk hero. Attributed to him are many deeds both miraculous and horrific. Yet the man behind the legend is not always as his tales describe.

Aldric Rexall the Fourth - The King of Avendor. Reputed to be cunning and ruthless.

Kaleras Trethon - Also known as the Impervious and the Warlock of Canturith, he is a former Magister of Jalduaen's Circle and the only warlock outside of the organization. 

Brother Causticus - A conniving and scholarly monk of the Order of Ataraxis. Has dedicated his life to the study of folklore, focusing especially on Tal Harrenfel.

Brother Nat - A monk assigned to assist Brother Causticus in his ventures. Also part of the Order of Ataraxis.

Father Hush - The head of the Order of Ataraxis.

Duke Vandon - A duke of dubious character and an unfortunate medical condition.

Nathiel Faldorn - A young knight and son of a count with a proclivity for liquor and bluster.

Krador - The half-dwarf Master-at-Arms of the Coral Castle.

Jad - A trainee under Master Krador.

Kendall - A trainee under Master Krador.

Petier - A trainee under Master Krador.

Haruld - A trainee under Master Krador.

Nalda Deliese - A marchioness who is a keen player of social politics.

Teline Deliese - A young girl who suffers a mysterious ailment.

Sir Rhydian - A loyal knight of Avendor.

Falcon Sunstring - The half-elf Court Bard to the King of Avendor and leader of the Dancing Feathers troupe.

Wren - The rebellious daughter of Falcon Sunstring. Also a member of the Dancing Feathers troupe.

Ox - A gentle Befa Spice Islander and a member of the Dancing Feathers troupe.

Jonn - A half-elf member of the Dancing Feathers troupe.

Mikael - A goblin member of the Dancing Feathers troupe.

Yelda - The lead actress in the Dancing Feathers troupe, the dwarf acts every bit the prima donna.

Bendor - A diminutive human member of the Dancing Feathers troupe.


Geminia the Third - The wise and calculating Queen of Gladelyl. Also known as the Gem of Elendol and the Elf Queen.

Aelyn Belnuure - An irritable elf with several titles and roles: Emissary to Avendor, Peer of Gladelyl, Master of the Onyx Tower, and itinerant mage. Adopted brother of Ashelia and Helnor Venaliel.

Ashelia Venaliel - A Peer of Gladelyl, the first female Warder, a healer of the Sapphire Tower, and also reputed to be the lover of yore to Tal Harrenfel. Sister to Aelyn Belnuure and Helnor Venaliel. Mother to Rolan Venaliel. Wife of Yinin Lathniel.

Rolan Venaliel - A young and precocious elf boy with an inclination for mischief, lutes, and frogs. Son of Ashelia Venaliel and Yinin Lathniel.

Helnor Venaliel - The jovial Prime Warder of Gladelyl. Brother to Aelyn Belnuure and Ashelia Venaliel. 

Yinin Lathniel - A minister to the Queen, he is also the houselord of House Venaliel and a mage of the Emerald Tower. Husband to Ashelia Venaliel. Father to Rolan Venaliel.

Jondual Lathniel - Houselord of House Lathniel. Husband to Jondual Lathniel. Father to Yinin Lathniel.

Maone Lathniel - A Peer of Gladelyl and leader of the Sympathist faction. Wife of Jondual Lathniel. Mother of Yinin Lathniel.

Ulen Yulnaed - The foremost Dancing Master of Elendol. 

Condur - The Ilthasi captain in Low Elendol.

Prendyn - The Ilthasi captain in High Elendol.

Balindi Aldinare - A Peer of Gladelyl. Also known to be a gossip and acts as an informant to the Royalists.

Melina - A human adolescent girl with a talent for acting.

Celica Heilinis - A Peer of Gladelyl and a part of the Sympathist faction. Sister to Fantir Heilinis.

Fantir Heilinis - A mage of the Ruby Tower and a master of Conveyance. Brother to Celica Heilinis.

Yeshil - A medusal informant in Low Elendol.

Pylas - A Nightelf informant in Low Elendol.

Uke Hesh - Pylas' sonku monkey. Translates to "Old Man."

Temmy - A gnome informant in Low Elendol and ally to Rozana of Haudden.


Mysx Gemfang - Known as the Hoarseer Queen. Leader of the Hoarseer goblin tribe.


Talania Cairn - Deceased mother of Brannen Cairn, a fletcher and launderer who died when her son was young.

Nevendal Elendola - Geminia's late husband and the Prince Consort. Died during the first attack on Elendol by the fire devil Heyl and the Thorn. 

Yardin Hardrog - A former Clan Chief of the Hardrog dwarf clan.

Norir - A dwarf copper mine warden.

Henmor Craulton - A Hardrog dwarf elder.

Magister Elis - The warlock who mentored Tal Harrenfel.

Maelor Yew - Commander of Tal Harrenfel's company in the Avendoran army.

Nudd - A slow-minded soldier in Tal Harrenfel's company in the Avendoran army.

Lyn - A prankster soldier in Tal Harrenfel's company in the Avendoran army.

Eiliyan - A former flame of Helnor's from Low Elendol.


The Whispering Gods - The three deities of the Creed: Silence, Solemnity, and Serenity.

The Night - The antagonist to the Whispering Gods.


Ilvuan - A spirit that plagues Garin Dunford.




Yuldor Soldarin - The immortal elven sorcerer who reigns as a god from atop the mountain Ikvaldar.

Soltor - One of the four Extinguished. Said to be involved in the story that led to Tal Harrenfel being known as "the Magebutcher."

Thartol - Also known as "the Thorn." One of the four Extinguished. Known to have summoned the fire devil Heyl in the city of Elendol and killed the Prince Consort, Nevendal Elendola.

Inanis - One of the four Extinguished. Rumored to be behind the civil war between the dwarven clans of Dhuulheim.

Hashele - One of the four Extinguished. Acts as Yuldor's link to the Sun Emperor.


Dathal Hardrog - Clan Chief of the Hardrog dwarf clan.

Kherdorn - An older dwarf of the Hardrog clan.


Captain Fexe - A Nightelf captain enforcing the laws of Naruah.

Izoalta Yoreseer - High Pellar of Aspar. Sister to Hellexa and Ysilda Yoreseer.


Zyrl Netherstar - The Emperor of the Empire of the Rising Sun. Also known as the Emperor of Dawn and the Sun Emperor. A gnome as infamous for his size as his cunning.

Nofas - The royal scribe to Emperor Zyrl Netherstar.

Samup Dhardon - The High Marshal of the Empire of the Rising Sun.


Holt - Full name is Zichodächini. A centaur who is protective of his weald and distrustful of mortalkind.


Koax Mraaj - A medusal alchemist reputed to have discovered an elixir that allows passage through Paradise by counteracting the effects of its miasma.

Kraul Shraxl - The Fief Lord of Rajeya.

Sawat Kangsorn - An old smuggler. Grand-aunt to Jira Phya.

Jira Phya - A young smuggler. Grandniece to Sawat Kangsorn.

Chaiya - A portwarden in Dreygoj.


Rozana of Haudden - A minotaur informant in Low Elendol and former leader of an Eastern rebellion.

Motarg - A bull minotaur who stands in opposition to Rozana.


Hellexa Yoreseer - The former Pyramidion of the Blue Moon Obelisk. Author of A Fable of Song and Blood. Sister to Ysilda and Izoalta Yoreseer.

Aqada the Conqueror - A rebel warlord that reshaped the East during his reign.

Sage Hester - A reputed healer from the Sun Obelisk.

Ysilda Yoreseer - Also known as Keeper. The watcher of the ruins of the Blue Moon Obelisk. Sister to Hellexa and Izoalta Yoreseer.

Maral Batomar - Also known as the Ava'thal, which translates to the Dragonheart. A hero during the era of the Origins.

Rothaen, Haimei, and Sachiel - Three Origins who were recorded as living during the time of the Severing.

Yvärras - The queen of dragons. Also known as She Who Dances With Fire and the World's Protectress.

Alärthoras - A dragon who flew during the time of the Origins.


Continent historically known as "Aolas."


The western countries of Aolas. Considered by its inhabitants to be the "civilized" lands.


The largest and most powerful nations of the Westreach. Its populace is mostly human, but it is populated by the various Bloodlines of the western lands. 

Halenhol - Capital of Avendor. Home to the Coral Castle, from which King Aldric reigns.

Hunt's Hollow - A small, unremarkable town in the East Marsh.

Jakad - An annexed territory of Avendor. Renowned for their vineyards. 

Dareaux - Former capital of Jakad. A major city in Avendor.

Ruins of Erlodan - A derelict castle ravaged by time, once belonging to the warlock Erlodan.

Canturith - An ancient fortress along the Fringes


The elven queendom on the outskirts of the Westreach. Possesses significant clout, particularly because of their mastery of sorcery.

Elendol - Capital of Gladelyl. Home to the kintrees of the elven noble houses, including the royal kintree, from which Queen Geminia reigns.

Yllsalar - An ancient mountain fortress along the Fringes.


The second largest nation of the Westreach. Predominantly human. Has a history of conflict with Avendor and suffers raids from the Yraldi to the north.

Burbay - Capital of Sendesh. The Sendeshi Protector reigns from here.


The third and least of the human nations. A place where, though the martial prowess flounders, the arts flourish. Their reputation is further bolstered by boasting the home of the warlocks of the Westreach.

Sisces - Capital of Felinan.

Avolice - The citadel at the center of the Jalduaen's Circle, the order of human warlocks.


Also known as "the Dwarven Clans." A subterranean nation of dwarves that is often forced to contend with monsters from the Deep. Long has conflict simmered between the clans, inflamed by enemies from without.


Also known as "the Goblin Knolls." The Hoarseer tribe, led by their queen Mysx Gemfang, currently rules, though dynasties usually last only as long as the ruler lives.


The Fringes - The hilly lands separating the Westreach from the East. Home to Nightkin coming down from the mountains.

The Yraldi Isles - The unforgiving islands in the northern Crimson Sea. Home to sea raiders who regularly invade their southern neighbor, Sendesh.

The Befa Spice Isles - The verdant islands in the southern Hushed Sea. Renowned for exports of exotic fruits and colorful weavings.


Also known by its inhabitants as the Empire of the Rising Sun. Though large swaths of the land remain untamed, beyond the mountains flourish various fiefs united under the Sun Emperor and the god Yuldor above him.


The largest of the fiefs. Primarily occupied by humans, but also boasts all the other Eastern races. Set amid fertile plains. Also home to the capital of the Empire and the seat of the Sun Emperor.

Kavaugh - Capital of Isocil and the Empire. The Sun Palace of the Emperor is also here.

Bavay - A town renowned for its carpets.


The fief of Nightelves. Set amid tall, gigantic trees. 

Naruah - Capital of Aspar. Home to the High Pellar, the primary priestess of Yuldor among the Nightelves.


The fief of minotaurs. Set amid plains and hills.

Haudden - The primary town of Ledfold.


The fief of medusals and sylvans. Deserts, ocean shores, hills, and fjords all exist here. 

Dreygoj - Capital of Rajeya.

Trader Springs - An oasis town amid the Laksis Wastes.


The fief of orkans. Set on a rocky and forbidding peninsula.

Ghamir Nodh - Capital of Vroresh.


The fief of gnomes. Set in the heart of the Valanduali mountains.

Kyzan - Capital of Agn Ommul.


Ikvaldar - The tallest mountain in Aolas. Despite its height, its rounded peak is largely dominated by a magically preserved jungle known as Paradise. It is also known to be home to the immortal sorcerer Yuldor Soldarin.

Vathda - The new home of the exiled Hardrog dwarven clan.



Gilled deer - A deer found in the forests of Isocil in the East. Judging by the texture of their skin and the gills on their necks, they are suspected of living on both land and in water.

Peuma - One of the large black cats that act as protectors of the jungle Paradise atop Ikvaldar.

Sand drake - Called zuthka in common Darktongue. It is a large lizard habituated to arid landscapes. Its kind is used as beasts of burden similarly to the Sendeshi's use of camels.

Sonku monkey - A silver-haired monkey native to the Rainwoods in the East. It is believed to possess a touch of sorcery, for when it expresses emotion, its thick mane can glow golden.


Dragon - Call themselves ava'dual (pl. ava'duala). Though now extinct, dragons are thought to have been the foremost predators of the World. Formidable in size and physicality, their mastery of sorcery was even more deadly. Legend has it they perished around the time of the Severing.

Leshi - A forest shapeshifter with a talent for illusion sorcery. These ancient creatures are believed to have been common in the time of the Origins, but have either retreated into hiding or been killed off as the mortal races encroach upon their woods.


Centaur - A blend between an Origin and a horse. Like the Bloodlines, centaurs are intelligent and every bit as capable of language and thought as any mortal. They also possess a strong affinity for sorcery. Their solitary nature and need to protect a territory, usually a forest they name their "weald," is believed to be the reason they never established societies like the other mortal races.


Chimera - A lion blended with a cobra as its tail, an additional goat's head, and sometimes a small dragon's head.

Cockatrice - A large flying monster with resemblances to a farmyard rooster, but with large functioning wings, green and white feathering, and serpentine tails.

Gamayun - A small flying monster that resembles an oversized bat with humanoid features and snake-like hair.

Gryphon - A blend between a lion and a large eagle.

Ijiraq - A monster with the torso of a humanoid and the body and antlers of a caribou. It possesses an instinctive touch for illusion, making its appearance to be like that of an ordinary caribou when it suits it.

Memyke - A beetle-like monster as large as a wolf with a brown carapace impervious to magic.

Phoenix - An eagle-like bird with gold-and-red plumage and larger than a cockatrice. It is one of the deadliest Nightkin due to its faefire explosion, which can level a small city. Even after this expulsion of sorcery, the phoenix will resurrect thereafter. It has not been observed how long it takes for a phoenix to resurrect. There are no known ways to permanently kill a phoenix.

Quetzal - A flying serpent with colorful feathery wings. Often travel in a flock and take down their prey by overwhelming numbers.

Syren - A mysterious monster found among misty vales and foggy seas. Partly because of its habitat and predatory nature, no one has seen a syren and survived. Syrens appear to live together in groups. Rumored to lure travelers and sailors to their deaths by mimicking the voices of loved ones in pain or in seduction. They are believed to consume their victims down to the bones.


Soulshade - A phantom creature formed of shadows. It is summoned by the sorcerer corrupting a piece of their own soul. The summoner can command it to carry out simple tasks, as a soulshade lacks intelligence of its own.

Draugar - Similar to a zombie. It is reanimated by the inhabitance of a summoned spirit in a cadaver. This spirit takes on the characteristics of its vessel when it was alive; hence, a draugar fights and dies similar to the mortal it once was.

Ghoul - A creature summoned by Nightglyphs. Its appearance is humanoid, but with pale rotting flesh, inhuman speed, and sharp teeth and nails.

Heyl - Also called "Yuldor's Fury." Heyl is a fire devil summoned through life sacrifice and is one of the deadliest creatures to walk the World. As tall as a tower, it has two tails, four legs, and eight arms. Anything it touches burns.

Nekrot - A summoned creature that can summon others through Nightglyphs. Bearing staffs to aid in their sorcery and wearing the armor of their victims, they are most dangerous because of their ability to command armies of ghouls and witikos. They are humanoid in appearance and about as short as a dwarf.

Witiko - A creature summoned by Nightglyphs. Giants that are as skeletal as ghouls, but with a thick brown coat over their bones and a head somewhere between a wolf and a moose.


Brigkakor - A mountain troll that once conquered the fortress Canturith, which the warlock Kaleras later drove out.

Khaovex'das - Also called "The Darkness From the Water." A fell creature from the Deep under Dhuulheim. It is said to have killed a hundred dwarves in their copper mines before the warlock Kaleras vanquished it.


Many of the terms not referenced in the previous wikis can be found here.

Bloodlines - The various races of the Westreach. Said to be created by the Whispering Gods from an ancestral race, the Origins, during an event called the Severing.

Canker - Also known as karkados. A magical malady of mysterious origins, but it appears to be caused in part by an overindulgence in sorcery.

The Chromatic Towers - The six schools of magic founded in Elendol by the Gladelysh elves.

Conveyance - A sorcerous method of transferring messages to other sorcerers through paired artifacts.

The Creed - The predominant religion in the Westreach, dedicated to the worship of the Whispering Gods.

The Cult of Yuldor - The pejorative name given to the predominant religion of the East, dedicated to the worship of the ascended elven sorcerer Yuldor Soldarin.

Dancing Master - A master of elven swordplay. Often teaches the art to pupils.

The Darktongue - Though conflated in the Westreach, the Darktongue comes in two separate strands. First, there is "common" Darktongue, also called Imperial, which is the primary language of the East. Second, there is the Worldtongue variant Darktongue, which can be used for sorcery.

The Deep - The bowels of the World, from which terrifying monsters originate. Most typically, the Deep refers to the area under Dhuulheim, the realm of dwarves.

The Doash - Also known as "the World's Womb." Believed to be the source of all sorcery at the center of the World.

The Eternal Animus - The latent conflict which sometimes flares into war between the Westreach and the East.

The Extinguished - Also called "Soulstealers" and "the Nameless." The four servants of Yuldor Soldarin. Through their master's power, they have attained immortality, and though they can be killed, they are known to resurrect ten years later. Experts in illusion magic, the Extinguished have successfully manipulated politics across Aolas, both in the East and Westreach, to serve their master's needs.

Fount of Blood - One believed to possess the blood of the World in their veins. Sorcery comes naturally to these individuals, even if they are of a Bloodline or race that is not inherently sorcerous. 

Fount of Song - One believed to hear the Worldsong. Sorcery is made possible to these individuals, even if they are of a Bloodline or race that is not inherently sorcerous. Also sometimes called "Listeners."

The Four Roots - The four principles required for sorcery, according to Gladelysh elves. The First Root is an affinity for magic. The Second Root is a spoken word of the Worldtongue. The Third Root is the transfer of energy or energy potential. The Fourth Root is proper concentration paired with imagination.

Gildoil - Also known as "pissleaf." A pain reliever; an analgesic.

Gladelysh - The elvish people of Gladelyl.

Gladelyshi - The language spoken by the elves of Gladelyl.

Glyphs - Also called "runes." Written versions of the Worldtongue, they can spawn magical effects of their own when imbued with sorcery. Unpowered glyphs are used to teach magic to pupils.

Glyph-seal - A small object that carries the sigil of a Highkin House of Gladelyl. Denotes the bearer to have the authority of the House in minor matters, such as accessing reasonable resources or gaining admittance to exclusive locations.

The Greatdark - The afterlife concept of hell to those following the Creed of the Whispering Gods.

Half-kin - The term used by the Gladelyshi to refer to a mixed-blood elf, or an individual with only one elven parent. Kolfash is the derogatory term that means the same.

Highkin - The upper-class elves of Gladelyl. They live in High Elendol, which is built into the upper boughs of the kintrees of the city.

Heaven's Knoll - The afterlife concept of heaven for those who follow the Creed of the Whispering Gods. Also called "the Quiet Havens."

Helshax - The Darktongue word for "Lament." A bastard sword with the ability to absorb sorcery. Rumored to originate from the time of the Origins.

Heyl's Fall - The kintree that the fire demon Heyl burned down, which remains as a monument to the event.

Highkin House - A noble family of Gladelysh elves.

Ikvaldar - The tallest mountain in Aolas. Dominant across the landscape, it is known as the fortress of Yuldor Soldarin. Atop it also grows Paradise, a verdant jungle that is claimed to be Yuldor's dream that he wishes to spread to the entire World. 

The Ilthasi - The secretive agents of the Queen of Gladelyl. Responsible for covertly enforcing her will, especially in the capital city of Elendol.

The Ingress of Elendol - The event during which Easterners were admitted into Gladelyl.

Jalduaen's Circle - Also known as "the Warlocks' Circle." The order of warlocks who derive their power from the mysterious god of knowledge, Jalduaen. Based in Avolice, a citadel in Felinan.

Kael'dros - Translates to "monsters" from dragon speech. The dragon term for Nightkin.

Kintree - One of the gigantic trees resembling mangrove trees that dominate Gladelyl and Elendol. The Highkin noble families make their homes within the kintrees, and their boughs form the upper part of the tree city known as High Elendol.

Lowkin - The lower-class elves of Gladelyl. In Elendol, these elves live in Low Elendol, also called "the Mire."

Medusals - The lizard-people of the East. Standing as tall as humans, they have colorful, feathery manes. They primarily live in the arid and coastal environments of the fief Rajeya.

The moons - The moons have many names. Among the names for the blue moon is "The Sorrowful Lady." Foremost among the yellow moon's names is "Cresselia."

Nightelves - The elves of the East. They live in the forest of Aspar, which is dominated by towering trees, and differ from Gladelysh elves by having cooler skin tones. Like their Westreach counterparts, Nightelves have an innate ability to use sorcery.

Nightkin - The monsters believed to be under the control of Yuldor, the immortal sorcerer who is the enemy of the Westreach. Most are said to be created by Yuldor as well.

The Nightsong - The noises that Garin hears after being possessed by what he believes to be a devil. Often accompanied by the use of sorcery.

The Obelisks - The Eastern equivalent of the Chromatic Towers of Elendol. Schools of sorcery scattered across the Empire of the Rising Sun, where mages are taught and delve into magical matters.

The Order of Ataraxis - One of the monastic orders of the Creed of the Whispering Gods.

Orkans - The hog-people of the East. Typically have skin in hues of gray and sport tusks jutting from their lips as well as other hog-like features. They primarily live in the fief Vroresh. Like humans, orkans do not have the innate ability to use sorcery, but can access it when acting as the conduit of a god. Whereas in the Westreach this takes the form of warlocks, among orkans, these magic-users are known as shamans.

The Origins - The ancestral race before the Severing of the Bloodlines. Believed to be departed from the World, they are thought to have shared features with all the races of the Westreach and the East.

Origintongue - The language of the Origins. Conflated to mean both a common speech and a sorcerous speech, though the two were likely separate.

Peer - The foremost nobility who leads an elven Highkin House.

Pellar - A priestly healer of the Nightelves.

Pyramidion - A leader of one of the Empire's Obelisks.

Quiet Havens - See "Heaven's Knoll."

Qorl - An elven game involving strategy to dominate one's opponent.

Ravagers - Officially called "Venators" in the East. The brutal headhunters who are said to directly serve Yuldor. Known to occasionally raid the Reach Realms.

Reachtongue - The common language of the Westreach. Assumed to have derived from a human language out of Avendor, as they have no other native tongue.

Ring of Thalkuun - A powerful artifact that makes its wearer immune to sorcery cast against them. Written on it are the words Thalkuun Haeldar, which translates to "The One Impervious to the Heart."

Runes - See "glyphs."

The Severing - The event during which it is said the Whispering Gods created the various Bloodlines in order to preserve mortalkind from the Night, who sought to destroy them.

Singer - A term by which dragons refer to themselves on account of how they perceive their use of their magic.

The Sha'aval - The hatching place of dragons.

Stonetongue - The common language of the dwarves of Dhuulheim.

Sylvans - The plant-people of the East. Shorter and slighter than humans, they often have appearances matching several geographies. Some have hair like wheat, others like vines, and still others resemble the coral found along the Eastern ocean shores. They have an innate sense of sorcery, though it appears to be limited.

The Worldheart - Said to be a stone of sorcery possessed by Yuldor Soldarin, which grants him access to great power and makes him the Master of Time and Material.

The Worldsong - The magical song that emanates from the World's core, only heard by dragons and those termed "Listeners."

The Worldtongue - The sorcerous language used by magic-users of the Westreach. Combined with the other principles of the Four Roots, speaking a word or combination of words of the Worldtongue will produce a spell.

Velori - The bastard sword wielded by Tal Harrenfel. Said to be forged and enchanted by goblin smiths from ages past. Its blade is etched with glyphs that glow a gentle blue. The full extent of its sorcery is not known, but it appears to keep its sharp edge and resist rust.

Yinshi - A dried red herb with a peppery scent. Often used as an aid for concentration by mages, as ingesting it produces an obsessive state of mind.

Yethkeld - Means "hellfire" in Gladelysh. A yellow combustive powder used as a catalyst for minor spells.