
All the latest news, offers, and goings-on with J.D.L. Rosell



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The grand opening of my website store! Here be signed books... (Limited discount now!)

I’ve dragged my feet for a while on getting this set up, but it’s finally happened! You can now order signed copies of any of my epic fantasy series straight from me, J.D.L. Rosell.

This includes both paperbacks and hardcover editions for the series Legend of Tal, The Runewar Saga, and The Famine Cycle.

For Legend of Tal, hardcovers come in case laminate (where the illustration is printed directly onto the cover). The Famine Cycle, on the other hand, comes with a dust jacket. The Runewar Saga can come in either case laminate or the jacketed form.

As I’m new to this, I’m limiting the initial reach of the store to US customers. If you’re from outside the US, however, feel free to contact me at authorjdlrosell [at] gmail [dot] com, and I can prioritize figuring out shipping for your country.

To kick things off, I’m putting all books on a $5 discount. So if you’ve been wanting signed books from me, now’s your chance!