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The Famine Cycle Is Now Available Beyond Amazon!

If you'll allow a lead-up to today's news, let me bring you behind the scenes to catch a glimpse of the business side of being an independently published author.

You may know that my ebooks are mostly locked up in exclusivity on Amazon. There's one major reason for this: Kindle Unlimited.

Kindle Unlimited (KU) is a great program. In exchange for each page read, the authors get paid a fraction of a cent. That doesn't sound like a lot, but over the entirety of a book, it amounts to about the same payout as a sale.

The one drawback to KU is that it requires authors to be exclusive with their ebooks on Amazon. That's always rankled me, to be honest! After all, I'd vastly prefer that people can pick up my books wherever they like.

I started playing with this idea of wider access through my Kickstarters for Ranger of the Titan Wilds.

While the previous books are in KU, each new release is available to be picked up on Kickstarter for the duration of the campaign.

But that still isn't a true solution. It helps with one series, to be certain, but I'm still looking to expand my reach.

That's why I'm publishing the entirety of The Famine Cycle beyond Amazon!

What does that mean? Online ebook stores like Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo, and Google Play - just to name the major players - will now have these ebooks available.

It also means library lending services can access my ebooks. So if you request The Famine Cycle from your library, you should be able to read the books for free!

I'll be publishing the series in stages (as part of a publishing strategy), but for today...

The first book, Whispers of Ruin, just released!

The sequels - Echoes of Chaos and Requiem of Silence - will release each subsequent month. The omnibus edition will follow some months after that.

The novellas, however, are already available! You can even nab the official prequel, Secret Seller, for free.

If you read outside of Amazon, I hope you'll pick up The Famine Cycle at your favorite store through the button below!

P.S. As always, all of my books are widely available in print. My audiobooks are primarily stuck in Audible, but I just learned that they distribute to Apple Books, so my fellow Apple enjoyers can pick them up as well!